Marvin's Socks

Marvin was a farmer. He had a big farm that he worked hard on every day.

He had a red barn that was filled with hay. The hay was for the cows, mules, and horses to munch on.

The farmer had a wife named Marsha. Marsha liked to do art with yarn and fabric. She liked to make garments with the fabric and made scarfs with the yarn.

One day, Marvin lost his socks. He looked, and looked, and looked, but could not find his socks.

Marvin saw prints. The prints went to the barn.

Marvin saw his socks!

Marsha grabbed the yarn and went to work.

Marvin and Marsha gazed at the stars. They were happy on their farm.

Marvin was a farmer.
He had a big farm that he worked hard on every day.
He had a red barn that was filled with hay. The hay was for
the cows, mules, and horses to munch on.
The farmer had a wife named Marsha. Marsha liked to do
art with yarn and fabric. She liked to make garments with
the fabric and made scarfs with the yarn.
One day, Marvin lost his socks.
He looked, and looked, and
looked, but could not find his socks.
Marvin saw prints. The prints went to the barn.
Marvin saw his socks.
Marsha grabbed the yarn and went to work.
Marvin and Marsha gazed at the stars. They were happy on their farm.